Volume 19 (2)

Volume 19 (2):

The Intersection of Identities, Texts, and Activism

Research Articles | Voices from the Field | CYAL Book Reviews | Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Art

Editor’s Introduction: The Intersection of Identities, Texts, and Activism

By Cris Delatado Barabas, Principal Editor

Academic Articles

Research Articles

Teacher Candidates, Persona Dolls, and Class Libraries

Chloe Morris

Multiple Pathways to Perspectival Learning: Children’s Literature in Preservice Teacher Education

Kwangok Song, Annamary Consalvo, Ann D. David, Angela J. Stefanski and Carolyn W. Hitchens

“It Brought Me Back”: Using Young Adult Book Clubs to Develop Preservice Teachers’ Sympathetic Knowledge of Adolescents/ce

Michelle M. Falter and Jessica Eagle

The Gradual Release of the Canonical Grasp: An Exercise in Excavation

Kelli A. Rushek and Ellie MacDowell

Do “the little things do something?”: Navigating Authoritative Discourses and Embracing Activism in Preservice Teacher Education

Erica Holyoke and Lauren Fletcher

The Bilingual Literacy Development Model: A Holistic Way to Support Spanish-speaking Children

Stephanie Wessels

Voices from the Field

Guided Self-Selection of Texts to Empower Teachers and Students

Ewa McGrail and Lisa York

Children & Young Adult Literature (CYAL) Book Reviews

The children and young adult book reviews in this issue welcome the critiques of adult and student reviewers. We hope these reviews will encourage our readers to add these titles to their libraries while continuing to embrace the unique joy and adventures that can be experienced through books.

Maki Shinzato, CYAL Book Review Editor, jolle.cyal@gmail.com

Review of Everyone Loves Lunchtime but Zia,Written by Jenny Liao

Krista Postell, Educator Reviewer

Amaya Moreno, Student Reviewer

Review of Remember Us Written by Jacqueline Woodson

Angie Prophet, Educator Reviewer

Letao Li, Student Reviewer

Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts

The poetry, fiction, and visual arts section is a platform where both emerging and established artists can showcase their talent and where readers can immerse themselves in a world of imaginative and thought-provoking art. In this issue, we have included one creative non-fiction work.

Yuxiang “Nina” Liao, PFVA Editor, jolle.art.literature@gmail.com

Gabrielle Baut
Illustrated by Allison Shanahan

Non-Fiction Story


Gabrielle Baut and Allison Shanahan

*Note of the Cover Art:

Quilting as a Literacy of Love and Social Justice

Quilts offer warmth, security, sometimes shelter and community. These are all qualities that educators should aspire to create in their classroom cultures. This quilt was created to center the use of children’s literature to create safe, equitable spaces for students to grow, build positive identities and learn. Each piece of fabric or book cover art was chosen deliberately to create a disruption of the status quo reminding our students of their rich cultures and histories. 

JoLLE Editorial Board 2023-2024

Principal Editor: Cris Barabas (he/him/il), jolle.principal.editor@gmail.com

Managing Editor: Faith Thompson (she/her), jolle.submissions@gmail.com

Production Editor: Seon Ja Chang (she/her), jolle.production.editor@gmail.com

Conference Co-Chairs: Ngoc My (Michelle) Tran (she/her), Taylor Blankstein-Miller (she/her), jolle.conference@gmail.com

Treasurer: Michael Gray (he/him), jolle.treasurer@gmail.com

Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts Editor: Yuxiang “Nina” Liao (she/her),  jolle.art.literature@gmail.com

Academic Book Review Editor: Cris Barabas (he/him/il), jolle.bookrev@gmail.com

CYAL Book Review Editor: Maki Shinzato (she/her), jolle.cyal@gmail.com

Communications Editor: Michael Gray (he/him), jolle.communicate@gmail.com

Scholars Speak Out Editor: Zihan “Sandra” Lin (she/her), jolle.scholarsspeakout@gmail.com

Digital Content Editor: Zihan “Sandra” Lin (she/her),  jolle.webmeister@gmail.com

Faculty Advisor: Usree Bhattacharya (she/her), ubhattacharya@uga.edu


The views expressed on this website and contained within featured documents are solely those of the author(s) and artist(s) and do not reflect the views of the Department of Language & Literacy Education, The College of Education, or The University of Georgia.

Please report any issues or questions regarding the website to jolle.webmeister@gmail.com.