Editorial Board

JoLLE Current Editorial Board

The editors and other editorial positions typically change annually as students rotate off and new enrollees rotate in.

If you have a question about a specific JoLLE feature, please contact the feature editor. For general inquiries, contact jolle.submissions@gmail.com.

Thank you!

2023-2024 Editorial Board

Principal Editor: Cris Barabas (he/il), jolle.principal.editor@gmail.com

Managing Editor: Faith Thompson (she/her), jolle.submissions@gmail.com

Production Editor: Seon Ja Chang (she/her), jolle.production.editor@gmail.com

Production Editor Assistant: Dan Kong (Spring 2024)

Conference Co-Chairs: Ngoc My (Michelle) Tran (she/her), Taylor Blankstein-Miller (she/her), jolle.conference@gmail.com

Treasurer: Michael Gray (he/him), jolle.treasurer@gmail.com

Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts Editor: Yuxiang “Nina” Liao (she/her), Chi-Chun Chiu (he/him; Spring 2024), jolle.art.literature@gmail.com

Academic Book Review Editor: Cris Barabas (he/il), jolle.bookrev@gmail.com

CYAL Book Review Editors: Maki Shinzato (she/her), Shuzhen Zhuang (she/her; Spring 2024), jolle.cyal@gmail.com

Communications Editor: Michael Gray (he/him; Fall 2023), Michel Soares Do Carmo (he/him; Spring 2024), jolle.communicate@gmail.com

Scholars Speak Out Editor: Zihan “Sandra” Lin (she/her), jolle.scholarsspeakout@gmail.com

Digital Content Editor: Zihan “Sandra” Lin (she/her; Fall 2023), Jiaze Li (he/him; Spring 2024), jolle.webmeister@gmail.com

Faculty Advisor: Usree Bhattacharya (she/her), ubhattacharya@uga.edu


The views expressed on this website and contained within featured documents are solely those of the author(s) and artist(s) and do not reflect the views of the Department of Language & Literacy Education, The College of Education, or The University of Georgia.

Please report any issues or questions regarding the website to jolle.webmeister@gmail.com.