Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts

Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts

JoLLE accepts poetry, short fiction, and arts submissions related to issues of language and literacy education. For the spring issue, we would like submissions to also relate to the conference theme of Lived Words and Worlds: Community Engaged Literacies. We accept un-themed poetry, short fiction, and visual art at all times. Works of art can include photos, paintings, drawings, comics or other forms of visual art. To submit poetry, fiction, or art, please see the guidelines below and contact the current poetry, fiction, & visual arts editor at jolle.art.literature@gmail.com.

Poetry and Art Submission Guidelines

Please include a cover letter with the title(s) of the work(s) you are submitting and a brief (maximum 75-word) bio. Submitted work should not have been previously published (note that for our purposes, publication on your own blog or social networking page is not considered prior publication). Simultaneous submissions are not considered.
Poetry: We accept poetry submissions related to language and/or literacy education of up to four (4) poems in a single word or text (.doc, .rtf, or .txt) document. Poems do not have to be on separate pages. Please single space and put your name and email address on the first page. Spoken poetry in MP3 audio format may also be submitted along with the written text. We reserve the right to accept all or some of your poetry. Acceptance of audio is subject to review. We will also accept MP4 or H.264 formatted spoken word video submissions with the accompanied text. Only the author should be featured. No advertising, clothing logos, or other inappropriate content should be displayed. If interested, please also submit the poem/s in a single word or text (.doc, .rtf, or .txt) document. Acceptance of video is subject to review.
Fiction: We accept submissions related to language and/or literacy education (20,000 words or less), in a single word or text (.doc, .rtf, or .txt) document.
Visual Art: We accept submissions related to language and/or literacy education of up to four (4) works of art (photos, drawings, paintings,  etc.) in .jpeg, .tiff, .gif, or .png formats.
The review board aims to respond to submissions within 6-8 weeks. No one should submit new work until a decision on the previous submission is received. We regret that we are not able to give feedback on individual submissions.

Permission to Publish

In submitting a manuscript to JoLLE, you agree to the following terms of publication, which must be acknowledged via email:
Approval and Acceptance: We mutually agree that publication of the manuscript and/or art is contingent upon its acceptance for publication by JoLLE and upon its meeting editorial standards.
Warranty: You warrant that the submission is original; that it contains no matter which is libelous or is otherwise unlawful or which invades individual privacy or infringes any proprietary right or any statutory copyright; and you agree to indemnify and hold JoLLE harmless against any claim or judgment to the contrary. If JoLLE consents to publish your manuscript and/or art, and you consent to publication, you grant and assign to JoLLE for its exclusive use the entire copyright for the work submitted.
Previous Publication and Permission: You warrant that the manuscript and/or art has not been published elsewhere in whole or in part and that no agreement to publish the manuscript and/or art or any part or version thereof is outstanding. Should the manuscript and/or art contain any material that requires written permission for inclusion in, such permission shall be obtained at your own expense from the copyright owner and submitted with the manuscript.


The views expressed on this website and contained within featured documents are solely those of the author(s) and artist(s) and do not reflect the views of the Department of Language & Literacy Education, The College of Education, or The University of Georgia.

Please report any issues or questions regarding the website to jolle.webmeister@gmail.com.